About us

Key facts

Center for the Human Past is one of the Centres of Excellence funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet). Our collaborating partners are the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study (SCAS) and the Swedish National Infrastructure for Digital Archaeology (SWEDIGARCH).


the year that the Center for the Human Past was established


main participants: Uppsala & Stockholm universities


departments involved from the beginning


scientific disciplines linked

Our vision

  • Bridge the efforts of archaeology, genetics & linguistics towards unraveling the complexities of human population history, movement, mixing, culture and subsistence of the peoples of the world in the last 10,000 years.

Our goals

Scientific Steering Group (SSG)

Mattias Jakobsson

Principal Investigator
Human Evolution, Genetics, UU

Carina Schlebusch

Principal Investigator
Human Evolution, Genetics, UU

Karl-Johan Lindholm

Principal Investigator
Archaeology and Ancient History, UU


Principal Investigator
Linguistics, Baltic languages, SU

Harald Hammarström

Principal Investigator
Linguistics and Philology, UU

Scientific Advisory Group (SAG)

  • Prof. Sohini Ramachandran
    Brown University
    Bio link
  • Prof. Gerhard Jäger
    Universität Tübingen
    Bio link
  • Prof. Thomas Olander
    Copenhagen University
    Bio link
  • Prof. Michele Ramsay
    University of the Witwatersrand
    South Africa
    Bio link
  • Prof. Paul Lane
    Cambridge University
    Bio link

CHP Office

Marzena ‘Mika’ Norling

Project Coordinator

Our funding organizations