Mattias Jakobsson and Jenny Larsson of the Center for the Human Past, contributors to the SVT’s History of Sweden, met over 1,200 pupils at an event in Stockholm.

Photographer: Louise Sjöholm (all photos).
The schoolkids traveled back in history to where it all began. They learned about exciting new research on the origins of humans from a cross-disciplinary perspective and listened to some of Sweden’s leading researchers in genetics, linguistics and cognitive science.
The afternoon was a mixture of lectures and interactive activities, and ended with a panel discussion where students could participate and ask questions. The discussion was moderated by the science journalist Lisa Kirsebom, the editor of the publication “Science says – about human evolution”. The National Resource Center for Biology Teaching (Bioresurs) at Uppsala University was the co-organizer of the event.
Gymnasieeftermiddag om människans evolution – en dag om att förstå vårt ursprung